How to Get Your Apartment Ready for a Date
There’s one surefire way to instantly ruin an otherwise great date, and that’s bringing them home to a messy apartment. Whether you’re planning on having a movie night at your apartment, or you’re going out for dinner and a movie, there’s a chance it will lead to your date spending the evening at your place. If you want to impress — not distress — your date, you need to follow the below rules to get your apartment date-ready.
Clean the Bathroom
So you aren’t a messy person, but you haven’t cleaned your bathroom lately. No big deal, right? Wrong. One person’s ‘okay’ bathroom may be another person’s catastrophe. Make sure that your toilet paper roll is full and your garbage can is empty (and has a plastic bag in it for bonus points). Scrub the inside and outside of your toilet to perfection, especially if you’re a man who lives alone or with other male roommates.
Declutter your Life
Nothing will make your date feel more stressed out than an upscale apartment with papers on the table, clothes hanging over the chairs, and unopened moving boxes sitting idly in the corner. Take 15 minutes in each room of your apartment to put away clothes, file away papers, and put everything in its assigned place. Once you’ve done that, wash the dishes in your sink, vacuum your living area, and finally dust to put the finishing touches on your newly decluttered home.
Stock Up on Snacks and Drinks
If your date gets the munchies in the middle of the night, do you think they’re going to be impressed by the expired milk carton and takeout Chinese from last week? Buy a few varieties of beer in case you want to share a nightcap, and then buy juice or tea for a late-night refresher. Adding a few healthy snacks like fresh fruit and celery with peanut butter can go a long way toward impressing your date.
Switch Out your Light Bulbs
Many people feel self-conscious under bright, intense lighting. It isn’t the most flattering no matter how great your skin is, so opt for dimmable bulbs or a less intense warm light bulb. This is especially important in your bedroom — you’ll never set the mood if your date feels like there’s a spotlight on them.
Bake Before the Date
If you bake bread or cookies before your date comes over, your one-bedroom apartment will smell amazing for hours to come. Plus, they’ll be thankful for the after-dinner snacks.